Cancer Causes and How to Treat It

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Cancer Causes and How to Treat It - Cancer is a dangerous and deadly disease, and even cancer is the No. 2 killer after heart disease. Cancer is a disease characterized by abnormalities in the cell cycle that will cause the cells to grow uncontrollably, invade nearby tissues and also moved into other body tissues.

Cancer can cause many symptoms that are not the same, the symptoms depend on the location and character of the malignancy and the presence or absence of metastasis in cancer. In general, cancer can cause death, especially in the developing countries, such as in Indonesia, in fact cancer can disembukan if it has been handled from the beginning.

Attractions - Things Cause Cancer:

1. Smoking
Smoking is the sources of many diseases, not just cancer, but smoking can also cause quite dangerous diseases such as heart and respiratory diseases it all because in cigarettes contained substances - which is quite dangerous as nicotine and TAR.

2. Heredity Factors
Cancer can also be caused by genetics or heredity, if your family tree is mengindap cancer the risk of getting cancer is higher.

3. Factors natural environment
Factors environments examples are the sun's ultraviolet rays and ionizing radiation used in X-ray.

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Those are some things that can cause cancer, if you want to avoid one of these killer diseases avoid things like the above such as smoking, drinking - booze, and always keep your health by eating nutritious foods and exercise constantly.

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